S4E9: Why Do We Dehumanize Others?

Sometimes you read or hear about a situation that breaks your heart and you think, “How can those people DO that?! How do they live with themselves? I could never do that!” But could you?   As humans, we’re exploring this idea that we all have the capacity to disconnect from other people so much…

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S4E7: Defining Hope [A Deeper Dive]

We know the important place The 1619 Project takes in DEI work. Nicole Hannah-Jones’ speech at a prominent elite school was canceled, but her message is definitely not. Join us as we break down our previous episode with Nicole and talk about the importance of using our platforms to enact change. We are digging deep…

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S4E6: When Schools Fear ‘Noise’: Learning From the Controversial Speech Cancellation at Middlesex School w/ Nikole Hannah-Jones

How do we distinguish between sadness and remorse and individual guilt?  How do we teach children that you can feel shame for something your country did, without feeling responsible?  We have all heard about the controversy surrounding Nikole Hannah-Jones and the 1619 Project.  Now you can hear directly from Nikole herself. As an award winning…

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S4E5: Roe vs Wade in 2022

TW: Abortion   What is freedom? It’s the 4th of July, and while we are grateful for our veterans who fought for our country’s freedoms, we are finding it hard to celebrate when not all of us are truly free. On Friday, June 24, the Supreme court overturned Roe vs Wade and our hearts are…

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S4E1: Welcome to Season 4!

It seems like we just started Humanize, but somehow we are already back for Season 4! We have lots in store for you, including an update on what we have each been up to and a preview of what we have planned for this season. We’re looking into an international focus on DEI, and have…

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